Shared Moments Warm Hearts and Souls (January 13 – January 19)

Ingenuity inspired from the kitchen has created implements to gather our families and friends around our kitchen or dining room tables. One of those inventions is called a samovar. The samovar’s peak popularity was during the late 19th century in Russia. Basically, it is a mechanism (a kettle) which heats water in a large vessel. A teapot is positioned on top of the hot water vessel. This positioning keeps the teapot warm. If one wishes to brew more tea, the hot water is obtained from the spigot on the large vessel. The samovar can be ornately decorated with metal etchings and it usually over 20 inches tall. It’s grandeur is showcased most prominently in the center of the table. So, on a cold winter’s night, a family can gather for the warmth of great conversation and the warmth from the samovar.

Another kitchen implement that enhances togetherness is a Swiss fondue pot. These colorful pots, with long-handled forks, turn a mid-week meal into a celebration. This winter gather your family and friends around the table with some international culinary ingenuity. Kelly McBride Loft

Swiss Fondue
1 ½ cups of Chablis wine
A dash of kirsch or brandy
1 lb. Gruyère cheese
Ground white pepper, to taste
A dash of nutmeg, to taste
A dash of maple syrup, to taste

Begin by heating the liquids. Then, add the cheese and the other ingredients. Completely melt the mixture and serve hot as a dipping sauce in a fondue pot. Dipping choices can range from cooked meat (tenderloin) pieces, cooked shrimp, vegetables, bread and/or fruit.

* I wish to thank the many national and international readers to my blog (celebration logic). The collection of recipes from this blog is now available for purchase through my new book called, “So Much To Celebrate.” Enjoy the joyful celebration of life through the culinary arts!

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