Liberty for Centuries & Entertaining Hollywood Style (Feb. 26 – Mar. 3)

Every four years, celebrations can occur on behalf of disenchanted single women. The day is February 29, during a leap year. We as women have patiently waited for centuries for men to ask us to marry us. Since February 29 doesn’t occur every year, this calendar disruption gave an opportunity to challenge the norm. Whether good-hearted humor or serious intent, throughout centuries past, women have contemplated the right to let their hearts be known.
It may have been the Irish legendary request of Brigid of Kildare to Saint Patrick in Ireland to look out for the interests of single women on this day. Some historians believe that since February 29 was not a regular calendar day it was not considered to be part of the regular laws in centuries past; hence, the liberties. There are many discrepancies to the exact details but the theme remains true to form for women’s rights to ask a hand in marriage on February 29. Al Capp created a comic strip “Li’l Abner” in which similar thoughts for female leadership are portrayed. This is part of American folklore but it is not designated to the date of February 29. Still, the traditions highlight women’s rights.
From my prospective, as a Chef, I find it fascinating to research the historical folklore and then create inspired menu items for fun teachable moments. Personally, what I have found to be true is that the person who is of interest will appreciate truly good food. Prepare food from the heart and the love will reign true.
Another international celebration takes place this week in Hollywood with the movie awards. With its red carpet soiree and glamorous attire, may I suggest celebrating with Kir Royal cocktails and Strawberries Romanoff. When selecting a party theme, consider the movie settings such as Paris or Hawaii. This will help to define the menu. Give a party award for best dressed, too. The light-hearted fun will create a memorable event for celebrating friends.
Kir Royal Cocktails
Pour a small portion of Crème de Cassis into a champagne glass and top with your favorite champagne.

Strawberries Romanoff
Soak the washed strawberries in orange juice and Cointreau. Top with fresh whipped cream that has been sweetened with sugar cubes rubbed onto fresh orange skins to absorb the zest. I use 4 sugar cubes covered with the orange zest and a touch more sugar to taste. Whip the cream until stiff peaks form.

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