Let the Seaside Become Your Tableside (May 28 – June 3, 2017)

This time of year creates an urge for lobster. Yes, it tastes wonderful just boiled; but, it tastes heavenly with a little sauce. The simplest sauce is lemon butter. Chilled lobster tastes great with chilled vinaigrette dressings. One of my favorite selections is Lobster Newberg. Simply, boil the lobster and slice the meat into medallions. In a sauté pan, heat one quarter stick of butter and a dash of brandy. Toss the lobster medallions in the brandy butter. Then, slowly add 1 cup of heavy cream and mix it completely. In a separate, heat resistant bowl, whip by hand 4 egg yolks. Little by little add the heated brandy cream to the egg yolks until the yolks become tempered enough to be added to the sauté pan. Adjust the seasoning with kosher salt and a dash of Cayenne pepper. Serve the Lobster Newberg in induvial ramekins for “Wows” from your admiring family and friends! Pass the smiles please as the seaside becomes tableside! © Kelly McBride Loft

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