Break Ground With A Spring Herb Garden (Mar. 18 – Mar. 24)

Many French countrymen have a name for the combined gifts from the earth – terroir: the combination of climate, soil type and topography. This is because wine grapes absorb those characteristics from the earth. American Native Indians never considered the precious earth “dirt” since the earth’s soil is not dirty. Clearly, our sustenance comes from the earth not from “dirt.” Urban growth makes it is easy to lose sight of the simplicity of that connectedness. Michael and I live in the city and we love our herb garden. It is low maintenance and it helps to keep my kitchen skills rooted to reality. Plant some basil, dill, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary and thyme. By cultivating fresh herbs you can transform your kitchen character into a place to grow, learn and taste.

Basil is very versatile since it can enhance tomato dishes and potato dishes. Even a plain potato salad comes alive with flavor when chopped basil is added. A refreshing Testarossa alcoholic cocktail is created by mulching basil with strawberries and adding vodka.

Dill flavors fish and chicken well. Variations can include the enhancement to vegetable dishes and canapés.

Mint can be added to a sauce for lamb. It is wonderful when chopped and then used as a topping for fruit. The Mojito alcoholic cocktail utilizes mulched mint as the main ingredient. Mint tea, either hot or cold, is delightful.

Oregano is best known for flavoring Marinara sauce but did you ever think of adding oregano to dishes that are made with chicken, lamb or fish?

Parsley is extremely versatile and popular. From garnishing to its vitamin richness, parsley improves the food. Even parsley tea can be enjoyed.

Chopped rosemary can flavor biscuits and scones. Poached or baked fish absorbs the flavor of rosemary well, too.

Thyme creates a distinctive taste for chicken dishes. Try adding it to pork loin, lamb chops or shrimp.

Bouquet Garni is a French cooking term used to describe a bundle of fresh herbs that are tied together to add flavor to braised dishes, baked dishes and soups. By tying the herbs together with cotton string, the bundle can be removed easily upon serving.

Springtime serves as an exploration of home-grown freshness from the garden to the kitchen. Produce a glorious garden of herbs to yield the character of your kitchen.

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