Winter Taps Spring’s Sweetness (March 10 – March 16)

The snowy blanket that tucked in Vermont’s Maple trees in for a winter sleep, treats us to the delightful bronze delight. Recently, Michael and I visited Brattleboro, Vermont. No visit is complete without tasting the sweetest gift that the State has to offer. I recommend Maple Frosting to wake up pastry delights. Kelly McBride Loft
Maple Frosting

Heat ½ cup of sugar and ½ cup of maple syrup until just boiling. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla flavoring. Let the mixture cool to room temperature and add ½ cup of half & half. Stir in ½ cup of chopped walnuts. This wonderful fronsting can glaze cinnamon rolls, cupckaes or birthday cakes. This can also be used as a filling for eclairs.

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