The Best Guests Sit At The Kitchen Table (August 25 – August 31)

Popover guests are our neighbors, really close friends and family. They visit completely unexpectedly or with just a few moments notice. These popover guests aren’t the least bit pretentious and enjoy a kitchen table chat. This delightful trust and bonding can be encouraged with some quick entertaining concepts that will enhance the kitchen table conversation. The most gifted kitchen table entertainer that I have ever observed was my maternal grandmother. My grandmother had neighbors who frequently (multiple times per day) visited from the back door, through the garden. Then, multiple times per day the front door neighbors and family would visit. She even knew the sound of different visitors’ cars before the guests made it to the door. Nothing surprised her and the more visitors who attended, the more she energized. Everyone congregated around the kitchen table. She would set out treats and the conversation soared. I learned many entertaining skills from my grandmother but one of the more important lessons was the art of conversation. Being an attentive listener makes a trusted friend and it is important to never gossip. She never “ganged up” on others. She was the master of hearing news, offering advice and keeping confidences. It was the magic of the kitchen table and a gift of a generational legacy. Load up your kitchen table with a variety of easy selections to extend the art of trusted conversation for those delightful popover visits that shower your life.
Colorful Quick Hors d’oeuvres are medallions of raw zucchini & yellow summer squash topped with julienne of sun dried tomatoes (from a jar) and Parmesan sprinkles.
Offer a Salad Tray of Romaine lettuce leaves with a selection of salad dressings and a selection of olives and nuts.
Fancy Your Stir Fry with this main course selection. Wok cooking is fast and colorful. Stir fry a variety of ingredients including vegetables, tofu, proteins, peppers and nuts. Artichokes are also made for sharing.
Are You Entertaining Sweet Tooth Conversationalists? Set up a fast ice cream bar station with ice cream waffle cones. Store bought waffle cones have a long shelf-life and ice cream is colorful, too. Invest in a cone rack. Offer a tray of sprinkles, mini chocolates, sweet sauces and candy bar crumbles for self-indulgent fun and great conversation around the kitchen table.
My best tip is to keep ice tea brewed and/or fresh tea for hot tea in stock. Entertaining confidence pours forth from the family pitcher and tête-à-tête teapot logic pours forth from cups of trust. Once a guest sits to have tea, the format for exchange and discussion broadens. The kitchen table is our safe place because those who gather there are the ones we wish to keep dearest in our lives. Kelly McBride Loft ©

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