More of Summer, Please (July 29 – August 4)

Nostalgic treats make an attitude difference during the mid-summer sizzle. Summer nay-sayers called it the “Dog Days of Summer.” It is not just the heat; it the phycological impact of knowing that school starts soon and already half of the summer break is finished. So much to do, with so little time. Time for a cool-down, lift up: Black Forest Parfaits. First, bake a chocolate flavored cake mix. This can be baked in advance and frozen for faster assembly with the parfaits. Next, soak pitted Bing cherries in Kirsch, a cherry flavored brandy. Fill tall parfait glasses or retro sundae shake glasses with multiple layers of: vanilla ice cream, crumbled chocolate cake and marinated pitted Bing cherries. Top each parfait with fresh whipped cream, chocolate shavings and a single maraschino cherry. Suddenly, summer’s cup is half-full and not half-empty…while asking for a second helping! © Kelly McBride Loft

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